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Cover Version Yes, sport-optimized cover version
Royalty Free No
CD/MP3 albums 1
BPM 132-138
BPM Range 129-135, 136-139
Duration ca. 61 min.
Explicit Lyrics No
Classes Aerobic / Cardiotraining, Dance, Functional Training, Jumping, Running / Walking, Step Aerobic, Toning / Fatburner / BBP
Genre Pop, Rock
Of course this "Modern Rock" hit collection is peppered with catchy tunes and shows itself as a showcase of works from the seventies to the current millennium. Songs like "Papa was a Rollin' Stone", "Roxanne", "Use Somebody", "Radioactive", "Need You Tonight" or "Take Me To Church" have all been heard before. The aperitif will whet your appetite for more: with a remix of Coldplay's famous "Adventure Of A Lifetime", grooving beats and loops will put you in a good mood. The intensity is constantly increased. Boredom may not come up with the song selection. Sometimes crisp, sometimes wild, sometimes rocky, sometimes popy and everything together sounds incredibly harmonious, convincing and motivating. There is no time for ballad bliss here: turn up the loudspeakers and the party starts!
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